Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hey yo

~I haven't felt up for blogging...
~but I feel like I should, so here goes:
~Davin and I got away for a short vacation to AZ. It was great to have quality time with him!
~Even though I got sick EVERY afternoon from the heat.
~For that reason, we probably won't ever move there.
~We'll just visit Leanne when she moves there.
~Any suggestions on where we should travel next to find our future home?
~Did you know that at any given time of the day you can watch Law and Order on tv?
~Seriously. It's always on.
~I'm turning it off.
~Silence. Much better.
~For those who live under a rock- or in a cave- we're waiting for a baby.
~And waiting.
~And waiting. I'm losing patience.
~Not that I ever had any.
~On the cheerful side of pregnancy- Congrats, Mindi! How exciting for you!
~And it was great to see you!
~I have not forgotten about my list of 100 things.
~That will be a more ambitious post.
~When I feel ambitious.
~I just put medicated lotion on my feet for muscle pain.
~Standing for hours in retail kills the feet.
~But now it reeks to high heaven in here for menthol.
~It's too quiet- gotta turn some music on.
~Wake up now, this post is over.


Leanne said...

Ooh, methol and foot sweat. Yummy. Lots of love.

ethiopifinn said...

even in your blog apathy, you are funny.

MindiJo said...

Oh! Imadeitonyourblog! Imadeitonyourblog! And thanks. It was good to see you, too!!

sis amy said...

Hm, menthol! Yesterday Rita got a boo-boo. (So she said being the bandaid queen.) Went and fixed herself up and was smelling like menthol..?! Went to look and instead of antibiotic cream, put on misquito AfterBite. Was proud as punch that she put the stuff on "just like you and dad do for me" :)

Lorz said...

LOL, Amy! Rita is awesome! Plus, I love that she isn't shy to me anymore!

Duh, Mindi. I'm all about happy news! ;)

Amy said...

I love the smell of menthol. Glad your vacation was nice. :) I'd recommend North Carolina... it's warmer but close to the ocean.

Elizabeth Halt said...

maybe try hawaii - and then spend one winter month in MN

that's one of the reasons I can't have cable .. I love L&O too much. And it *is* always on somewhere. :)

Julie said...

Andrew loves Salonpas- the menthol patches. He wears them to bed at night and it reeks to high heaven in our room! I am thinking Hawaii would be a good place to live as well. I'd love a reason to have to go there on occasion! :)

Laura said...

I love menthol!