Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Something is a-brewin'...

A blog post, that is. It is titled "It's not all daisies". Or something like that. I am a fresh mommy and I have a lot of thoughts floating around my head in regards to my new status. I am slightly afraid to share them all in fear that someone sees less of me, but I'm tired, hormonal, yet so in love- so I can take shit from anyone. Bring it, I say.

But right now I have a fussy baby who wants his mommy, so you're gonna have to wait. Suck it up, I say.

Oh, here's a pic of my babe to tide you over:


barbie said...

Oh he's beautiful!

jo said...

The best advice I got as a new mom came from a good friend of mine. She told me, "I hope things are going well. But if they aren't, just know that it does get better." And it does. Your baby is precious and you love him and want him more than anything. But having a newborn is hard. And no one can prepare you for it. You can't comprehend it until you're living it.

LeMira said...

There's nothing wrong with feeling overwhelmed and feeling like this is NOT what you expected it to be. . . it's normal. It doesn't mean you love him any less. :) I look forward to your post, and I know there will be many than can relate.

ethiopifinn said...

With my first two kids, the three week mark changed everything. i had a bit of a bawl my head off day, then everything started going smoother.

if judah is fussy, i just do the diaper, feed, burp rounds. sometimes he's tired, and i've been holding him too much. then i put him in the sling, or let him complain a little in his papasan chair and he falls asleep.

p.s. happy day to you!

Sara said...

It's not all daisies. It's life! And we never promised to always love every moment. But we do always love our babies, and that's what counts!

Leanne said...

I like what the others said. And there's no way to know how motherhood is actually going to *feel* until you're in it. For me, it's the six week mark. Their little bodies acclimate to their real life, and you acclimate to having them around. For me, that mark was magical. For now, just enjoy the good moments and like Jo said, know it's going to get better. Love you!