Saturday, April 17, 2010

We heart our baby's birth mom!

As a lot of you know, we flew down to Arizona this week to meet our baby's birth mother. I want to blog about it, but at the same time there are things we want to keep to ourselves, both for our privacy, and for T's privacy. What I will say is that T is AMAZING. It's the word that comes to mind over and over again when I think about our vacation. She is beautiful and she has a wonderful family. In so many ways she is different than Davin and I- or we're different than she is, but that's part of what we love. I look forward to watching our baby grow up and letting him live out the creativity he is bound to inherit from his birth mom. As we drove to the airport last night to catch our flight home we were talking about the trip, and we were saying how humbled we felt to be chosen by T. We feel so lucky and blessed to be adopting her baby. It feels so right, so meant to be. Also, had we not gone through some of the experiences we have during our adoption 'journey', I don't think we would truly be able to appreciate how lucky we are to be working with such an amazing birth mom. June cannot come soon enough- we are so excited to meet our baby!

On a side note, Phoenix in April is heaven on earth! It was gorgeous! The first time we met T we went to a restaurant at Tempe Marketplace- the place is awesome! After lunch yesterday (at a different restaurant), Davin and I had time to blow before our late flight and we hung out at the Marketplace- it's a huge, sprawling outdoor shopping center. There are water fountains, flowers, lounging sofas and chairs, fireplaces and cool lights at night. There is live music in the evening. We fell in love with the place. It was the perfect end to the amazing trip.

Going to go enjoy this beautiful Minnesota spring day. Catch you later! :)


Sarah Kaczor said...

Laura I am so excited for you!! I'm sure you are going to be so busy getting ready that June will be here before you can blink!

ethiopifinn said...

Yay! Your blog title made me smile.

I'm guessing T feels blessed to have chosen you guys.

Julie said...

:) Can't wait to see you to hear more about your trip.

Anonymous said...

Laura, I cannot express how happy I am for you and Davin. I hope all keeps going good.

Liz Daav.

MindiJo said...

Yay for you guys!! That's fabulous.

Juli said...

Wow, Laura! I must have been on my trip or something when I missed your news! "heard" you mention your baby on fb yesterday, and was all "What?!" How exciting. So happy for you! and enjoy your last days together with your husband together, because this is a special time too:0)