Saturday, July 31, 2010

July 2010

Tomorrow is August (...right? My mommy brain is on) and there is a lot to be said to sum up July.

*I had a whole long post written, but it was about as fun to read as the obituary section of the newspaper. I'll try sum up instead of giving you a detailed novel...

July was....tough. But still good. I'm still adjusting to mommyhood. I think I'm liking more each day. Or at least I love Dom more each day. He's full of tricks- rolling from his stomach to his back, talking like crazy, smiling, following us when we are talking and walking around him. He's a smart boy. And I LOVE him to death. This week marked the 6-week mark. I hear it's all a piece of cake from here. Ha.

We just got back from spending a week in the U.P. Dom has met a ton of family and friends in his short life so far. I am not the only one who loves him. Watching and listening to Davin's mom sing to him was enough to make my heart sing (since I can't carry a tune, I count on my heart). I loved watching Davin's dad with him- holding him like an airplane (which completely calms him down), rocking him, talking to him. I loved watching my nieces and nephews in Michigan meet him. Like I said- he is very loved.

We almost came home from the goob early (long story), but I'm glad we could stay until today. Camping with my family is i.n.s.a.n.e. I was pretty glad we had a warm bed to go back to after the day. But as much as my family is crazy, I love spending time with them. I truly feel blessed to have each and every one of my nieces and nephews in my life. We were only together for a short time, but I don't think there was a wasted moment. Between The Lake days, playing sand volleyball, wiffle ball, tossing a football (yeah, I have a mean spiral), eating, and eating some more, it went by fast. We did get out to Sedar Bay for some sauna and swimming- the water was AWESOME.

Oops, turning into another novel here. In summary... (bring back high school comp classes?), July has been a busy month, with a lot of running around. It's been fun, but now that Dom is six weeks old we're going to try settle into life here. No more road trips for a while. Time to find a routine and lower stress levels so I can enjoy my little dude, who is growing VERY fast before our eyes. Here's to a relaxing August!

Dom's first time in Lake Superior! :)


Elizabeth Halt said...

Yay! Toes in the best.lake.ever!

Here's to a relaxing August!

Megan said...

I <3 Lake Superior. :) But havent been sauna swim at gramma's yet... it's still on my 2010 summer to do list. :)

Leanne said...

He better get used to that lake; I'll bet he's gonna see a lot of it!

Here's to a great August!

Julie said...

I love his stripes! And his toes. Miss you guys!