Thursday, November 11, 2010

Getting to Know YOU

Due to a major brain block, I am copying Julie's post in order to keep this blog rolling. ...Ha! Who am kidding, this blog is just barely truckin' along at a snail's pace. But here's a new post! Here's a few questions to get to know you better:

1) If you could add any room to your current residence, what would it be?

(To prove some originality I will not steal the rest of my questions.)

2) If you could have an afternoon with any (living) celebrity, who would it be, and what would you do?

3) Tenting in northern Minnesota, or 5-star resort on the gulf?

4) If you could decide your dreams before you fell asleep, what or who would you choose to dream about?

5) If there is one thing you would like to understand more about adoption, what would it be? Feel free to email this question or ask it on springform to protect your identity.


Julie said...

1.) Too lazy to copy- see my blog. :D

2.) Right now? Sandy Bully. Diane Sawyer. Ladies from The View. We'd get pedicures and talk about the world.

3.) Heh. Tenting?! I won't say more, someone's gonna say they'd prefer that and then be offended at my scoffing. I used to love camping! But, get me to the resort. STAT.

4.) That I was sleeping on clouds that were like cotton balls. And a live string band was playing softly for me in the background. Can you tell I need sleep?

5.) I'll think and come back to this one.

Leanne said...

2) The president. I'd ask him to please please be strong and do the things he promised us. Even if it costs him his political career, or the presidency. I'd treat him to a nice lunch. :)

3) Easy peasy. Gulf.

4) Ooh. Good one. A tropical vacation. A world with peace, where everyone loves each other, no prejudices or unkindness.

ethiopifinn said...

1) super duper bathroom.
2) hmm.
3) yes please. I couldn't choose, both sound WONDERFUL. but if you want to pin me down, I'd do the resort, because I've never, EVER been on a warm weather beach vacation. I did take 3 big trips in the winter, to get away, but I went to Finland.
4) i would choose to dream about solving issues and problems, so that when I'm awake, I'd know which direction to go in, and where to concentrate my efforts.
5) the only thing I know about adoption is what you have shared here or on fb, so I don't even know what I don't is all so amazingly complicated to me.

Julie said...

5.) What advice would *you* give someone who's never known anyone that's adopted and has just started looking into adoption as a possibility?

Elizabeth Halt said...

1. See my response on Julie's blog.

2. The President and his wife. I have no idea what we'd talk about - I am so gleeful at the thought that I cannot think past it.

3. If you had picked a different location for the 5-star resort, maybe, but I rather like tenting. Plus, I could bring Atlas.

4. Hee. I try this every night. Mostly I try for something fun and light - I shall leave the topic a mystery - because my dreams are never fun and light so I am hoping to bypass the usual.

5. You know, I don't know much about it, other than what I've read on yours and another friend's blogs. I find it all rather interesting.

MindiJo said...

1. A sauna
2. Hmmmm. Dr. Phil. I want to know if I have serious issues. Ha.
3. 5 star. Seriously. What kind of question is that?????
4. I really like Ethiopifinn's answer.
5. No question in particular. I really love to hear about it, tho. So keep sharing! Although, I really would love to hear about your thoughts and feelings on it. Now that you are on this side of it.