Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hey, that's a start!

-sigh- I have a feeling it's gonna take me a while to get this blog going.

I'm taking an idea from Mindi (hope you don't mind!). I am going to tell you 100 things about me. However, it won't be all at one time. It will take me some time. You can call it lazy, but I'd rather you look at it as an on-going story of my life. How about that?

1) My name is Laura Jean. I do not believe I was named after anyone, but what a great name! Rolls off the tongue, unlike...

2) Davin Eli. Still a great name though. :) He's my husband- been married 8 1/2 years. Love him more than anything in this world. He is my rock.

3) I turned 26 in July. On my birthday people asked me the great question- "So, do you feel older now?" No, I didn't. However, a week or so later it hit me. 26 seems A LOT older than 25. Why is that? Not that I mind being 26. It means I'm more mature, that's for sure.

4) I'm sarcastic- OFTEN. This is big one. It is easy to get myself in trouble online. You can't see my sarcasm in print. Here's a good rule of thumb: if you read something I wrote that sounds odd, corny, or even offensive, chances are I'm kidding. Especially if it sounds means- I'm a nice person...

5) Make that number 5- I'm a nice person. I do my absolute best not to judge people. I take you for who you are. I generally like everyone- there is too much crap in this world for us not to like one another...which brings me to....

6) I have a bad habit of swearing. Yes, to most people, 'crap' isn't a swear word, but it is to my mom, and that stands for something! It's easy to edit myself on computer, but if I can't find a good enough substitute, you might see a** or sh**. I apologize in advance.

...hey, that's a start!


Anonymous said...

Aw, I LOVE it! I'm so glad you're doing this. You have so much to give and to share and I'm gonna LOVE responding to your posts. :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura! It's your cousin Katie- welcome to the blogging world!

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura! I FOUND you! LOL! Love the blog so will be nice getting to "know" you, again:)
YOur cousin, Michelle Frantti

Anonymous said...

Hey! I love it. And I don't mind you "stealing" the 100 things idea. It wasn't mine in the first place. I stole it from Junkyard Jennifer. It's hard, isn't it? You think you can easily name things- not so...
BTW: That's a good picture of you and your hubby.

Anonymous said...

I love sarcasm, but you're right, it's hard to get it across in print. :)

When I turned 30, I didn't feel old. I felt great. A few days later, someone asked me how old I was. "I'm 30," I said. Then I gasped - it sounded so old when I said it out loud! Weird. And maybe it's because you're more than half-way to 50 when you're 26 and 25 is smack-dab in the middle?

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura! I'm going through your posts. You're a riot. Glad you joined the blogging world, it'll be fun to 'get to know' you a bit this way. :)

I've been thinking about you both... I would've emailed this, but I couldn't find your email on your blog -- You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I can only imagine what you've been going through...

I know it's not's only 'words, but I hope it helps to know that so many others are thinking of you and hoping everything will work out for you so that one day your dream of being parents will be realized.

Oh, and the '100 things', I totally 'stole' that from some other random blogger.

~ Jennifer