Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Help Wanted

Let's say you walk into a sandwich shop. In the lobby is a bulletin board. Do you look at the contents posted on the board? What do you notice? There is a half-page flyer that says "DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE CONSIDERING ADOPTION?" in bold on the top. Do you read on? There are two large photos of a smiling couple. The text is pretty brief:

"Hi! We (Davin and Laura) have been married for nine years. We are happy and thankful for the life we share, but feel a void having not been blessed with children. We are hopeful that adoption may provide us the chance to start a family. We are working with Adoption Minnesota, a licensed adoption agency in Minneapolis. (www.adoption-minnesota.com)
Please learn much more about us online at:
OR contact us by email or phone:
(***) ***-****"

Do you think, A) This couple is nuts and terribly desperate!, B) Hmm, do I know anyone???, or C) Oh look, a puppy for sale! If you thought somewhere along the lines of B, where else would you notice this flyer? Would you take one of the business cards by the flyer?

We're trying out some networking. I am heading toward the cities tomorrow with the flyers, and would love some ideas of where I could post them. If you think we're nuts, that's alright too...but you can keep you thoughts to yourself, even though I just asked for them.... :D

ETA: If you would like the pdf to our flyer to hang in your local coffee/sandwich shop, or your church, or your work break room, please feel free to email me, and I'll email it to you!

Thank you much! :)


Megan said...

try a grocery store.... or maybe a starbucks place if they let you. Good idea though Laura! Hope it works! And for the record, I lean towards B. :)

Elizabeth Halt said...

I notice flyers on bulletin boards, but my eyes are drawn towards words I'm interested in - like yoga or wellness or music or .. I must confess that I might not notice your flyer as words like children and adoption are not on my list. ;)

However, if I saw it, I would think b). :)

Is the PDF from that cool designer?!

Julie said...

I think that you never know who might see it and it could be the answer they were looking for. :)

Julie said...

I think that you never know who might see it and it could be the answer they were looking for. :)

Lorz said...

Megan~ I have one up at a Panera, and one at another sandwich place. I'm going to roam around coffee and sandwich places to look for more bulletin boards! :)

Elizabeth~ Maybe I should put a pic of a weimaraner on it... :D And, no, it's not from the cool designer. It's pretty generic. But we decided against the $ for now.

MindiJo said...

Like Elizabeth, I wouldn't probably notice. Because I am drawn to things that pertain to me.
However, I would think, "That's so sweet. These people REALLY want a baby. Clearly. And I hope their dream comes true."

Anonymous said...

What about passing them to your local churches!

Elizabeth Halt said...

if you put a picture of a weimaraner on it, I would definitely notice it! but then I would wonder if you had all your senses intact. ;)

Tara said...

Laura, what about family planning clinics and places like that? Especially in the more urban areas.

Anonymous said...

I would say planned parenthood or places where a struggling, scared, teen might turn to?