Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Winner...

I used to draw a winner- I tried to post it on here, but it didn't work. Anyway, the winner is....

Ethiopifinn!!!! I started laughing when I saw you were the winner because of your comment- lol! Hey, now you can order, updated dvd! Or a good book- whichever makes you happy! :) Zip me an email so I can send you your gift card!

First, thank you everyone for your great suggestions! No, I did not order Jillian's 30 Day Shred- I've heard it's killer, which is awesome, but I need beginner. Same for X90- I heard the diet involved is major killer- I'll definitely keep it in mind for when I'm in great shape! ;) So what did I order? First, I ordered Carmen Electra's series- from reviews it looks like it's not much of a workout, which means for me it's a perfect beginning workout- seriously, I'm in bad shape! Then I ordered "Yoga: Just My Size With Megan Garcia". It's for plus-sized people- there were some positive reviews on about it. (That's one thing I love about Amazon- I love the reviews!)

And I want to say CONGRATS! to Tara on your success!!! (I couldn't put your anonymous admirer into the drawing because he or she didn't give their name!) ;)

Giveaways are FUN!!! Keep an eye out for my next one! Have a wonderful day everyone! :)


Amanda Kay said...

Good luck Laura!! It's so hard to get moving - but once you do - it's so awesome! I'm still trying to get in a routine...I still hate exercising because I'm such a wimp.

ethiopifinn said...

Wow. I really AM a winner. YIPPIIIII! :)

The DVD is a good idea... do you think they have the same MTV "workout" I used to do? There is even "the Aligator" move... really cool when I go out on the dance floor. Hahahaha!