Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I have battles with myself often- not so much since my *crazy* days, but they come up from time to time. Sometimes Mind vs Mind, sometimes Body vs Body. The latest:

Mind VS. Body, Round 2,021.

I can't sleep lately. My body seems to think 4 hours of total sleep is adequate. Which often means cycles of 30-60 minutes sleeping, followed by at least 2 hours of full awakeness. My mind, on the other hand, knows that just isn't enough sleep, especially in crazy short cycles. The problem is my body is kind of laid-back and cocky, and thinks it's funny to win the battle. My mind...well, my mind has a really bitchy temper. It's a lose-lose. Thus the Grrr!


Julie said...

Four hours of total sleep?! How in heavens name are you functioning? Double grr...

Leanne said...

FRUSTRATING. Hope it gets better! I struggle if I get less than seven. ;)