Monday, August 31, 2009

Not meant to be

I had a different adoption entry in my mind, but something else came up. I know a girl who knew a girl who is pregnant. Adoption was talked about. So I gave her our adoption profile to give to the young couple about a week ago. She finally was able to get a hold of them yesterday (I believe). At which point they had just chosen an adoptive family. Just. When the situation first came up I wasn't very hopeful because it sounded like it was just the parents that wanted them to make an adoption plan. But the more I learned, which wasn't too much, but it sounded like the birth parents were leaning toward adoption also. So what did I do? I got my hopes up. Of course. The girl is only 3 or 4 months along, so I would have never thought they would already choose a family. This is the rollercoaster of adoption. Hopes rise, hopes crash. Over and over. We cling to any little thing that could become something. Even if we try not to, it stays on our mind.

I trust and know that God has our baby, and we will adopt the child who meant to be ours. But this morning I'm crying just a little.


Sue said...

Oh Laura, I don't know what else to say except to let you know that people care and to send you some hugs!

Cyndi said...

Sending love and hugs to you, Laura and Davin. I can't imagine the rollercoaster of emotions you two must be feeling, and I by no means want to underscore the pain and sadness you feel, but here is a bit of scripture that I'd like to share from a Beth Moore bible study I did this summer; this particular weekly study was about waiting on the Lord...

"Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him." (Isa. 30:18)

God is waiting and longing WITH you for the perfect time that your baby will arrive just for YOU! Wait and long with will all be worth it. Continue to Trust Him.

Love to you. :)

Elizabeth Halt said...

Oh, Laura. Such a rollercoaster. I can hear your pain and am sending love and hugs.

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

Sending lots of warm thoughts with love and hugs as you wait for your baby...

~ Jennifer