Friday, August 28, 2009

I've said it before and I'll say it again

Birth mother's are incredible. The pain they go through is beyond imaginable. The feelings of literally giving up your baby, and then the doubt and the worry after the baby is gone. The grief...I cannot imagine. I sometimes watch Adoption Stories on Discovery Health. I like to see how every situation is different. But every time I watch a birth mother spend her last minutes with her baby and then handing her away...I just lose it. The pain is so real. Every night I pray- I wish for you to also- for birth mothers. That God gives them the strength to make the decision that is right for them. That once they make that decision, they continue to have strength to get through what they decide. I wish abortion never happened, but I pray for those mother's also. I cannot imagine what they must be feeling to terminate a pregnancy- the fear, the pain, the sadness. To all birth mother's who chose not to raise their babies because they believe and/or know that the baby deserves a better life: Thank you, and may God always give you strength and peace in your decision.

P.S. Please do NOT make this a political post. I will delete any comment made negatively about abortion.


Leanne said...

Oh, Laura. I love how I can feel what you're saying in your posts. Your empathy will help you in your journey, no question. It will help you be sensitive and caring and never take it for granted.

Praying and praying and praying.

Jennifer Skoog Photography said...

This post brings me to near tears; yes your empathy will definitely help to carry you through.

Hugs and prayers for you :)

Julie said...

You will be a wonderful mother... :)

Sue said...

I'm sure you understand all too well that pain after returning Kiya to her birth Mother. Hopefully you will soon know the joy of having a baby in your life for always.

Elizabeth Halt said...

I am continually amazed by the depth of your love and compassion for others. I can only imagine how hard the wait must be, and I can just feel how much you love and appreciate how hard it is for the birth mothers, even as you also wish for a baby. Sending lots of love your way.

Lorz said...

Thanks for the support everyone. It makes the process much easier. :)