Monday, January 18, 2010

Another sunny day in MN

There is the never-ending argument friendly disagreement on where the better place is to live in the winter- the U.P. or Minnesota. What is usually boils down to is cold (MN) or snow (MI). For me, it's all about the sunshine. I would take sunshine and sub-zero temps anyday over snow everyday. Sunshine is good for the soul. So, to my yooper friends, here's what it's looked like here pretty much all winter. Enjoy your snowboarding and skiing- I'll see you in the summer! ;)


Julie said...

MN wins this one!

Julie said...

Or C.) California.

Mari said...

I do agree on the sunshine, no question about it. However, Minnesotans who have emigrated to Michigan very quickly get used to winters with above-zero temps. Then it becomes a toss-up: sunshine or warmth? And if you're already here, it's often easiest to just stay. Also, The Lake gets in your blood.

Sara said...

I think the UP is winning this year! We have had a (very unusual) break from the snow for about 2 weeks now! Warmer temps without the can you beat that!

Anonymous said...

i prefer MI snow and warmer weather but i am heading even farther..and I like MN summer.. How about Alaska??

Lorz said...

If CA were a bit closer I'd probably be there. I'd come home for Christmas, to get a 'taste' of winter. :D

Mari said...

I think when I get old, I might go south for the winter. If I can stand to be away from my kids. (I'm like my Grandfather.)

Lorz said...

Mari- honestly, if it weren't for fam and friends, we would be living in a milder climate.

Leanne said...

That's such a pretty photo! It almost hurts my eyes, just like the real sun!