Friday, January 8, 2010


I know I have Lindt truffles around here somewhere. I bought them the other day and ate one. (Yeah, I know, will power). Then I forgot about them. (Yeah, I know, stupidity). And now I want need one and I can't find them anywhere. I've looked in all the normal places and all the strange places (one time, almost ten years ago, Davin put the milk in the cereal cupboard). But my chocolates where not in any cupboard, nor the linen closet, or under my bed. For a moment I thought maybe, just maybe I had eaten them in my sleep. Nah, that's unlikely. ...or is it?, I can just taste them right I can't. How dumb is that saying? If I could taste them I wouldn't be digging in Davin's underwear drawer looking for them. Oh, and I called Davin. In case he developed a sweet tooth in the past three days and polished them off. He swears he hasn't (craved a sweet tooth or ate the truffles). I'm going to ask him again when he gets home- I can read a lie in his face.

-sigh- I guess I'll have to wait until Target opens and I can get some more. Maybe by then I won't be wanting chocolate anymore. ...ha. That's a funny one.


Elizabeth Halt said...

Curious minds are curious why you think they might be in Davin's underwear drawer. Has that happened before? If so, do share. Hee.

Leanne said...
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Leanne said...

You gave them to Krista.

Mari said...

You need Lindt truffles; even if you don't want them when Target opens, you will eventually, so go buy some more. One bag is probably not enough. I would like to know where to buy them wholesale.

Lorz said...

Davin doesn't really have an underwear drawer. I lied.

I did not give Krista MY truffles- she got peanut butter, I had chocolate.

True, Mari, I now have two bags on hand. ...and I'm starting to count weight watcher pts this week. Hmmm

ethiopifinn said...

how many points for one? it will be worth it :)

Lorz said...

I just said, "Hey, Davin. 220 cals, 17 grams fat, zero fiber. How many points?" Three seconds later "Six". But that's THREE truffles. So you can have one for 2 points! :)

(yes, I'm proud of my geeky smart hubby).