Sunday, January 24, 2010


It's a gloomy weather Sunday.
But I'm not complaining because I said I wouldn't.
I think I'll just hunker down inside for the day.
The tv will be hi-jacked by Davin at 5:00 for the big game.
Secretly, I hope the Vikings lose, 'cause I can't handle the hype.
Plus, I don't want to face my face purple or any other color.
I WILL be cheering on the Vikings and really hope they win.
Have I mentioned ever that adoption is a roller coaster?
It is.
We heard from a birth mother we were in contact with last year.
She has a friend due in March.
There's a VERY small chance she may place the baby for adoption.
There are other factors that make the situation very iffy.
Prayers would be appreciated. :)
I'm running again! Hamstring healed.
I love running.
Which sounds crazy, even to me.
Actually, I think I'll jump on the treadmill right now.
Maybe it will wake up Davin- it is after 11:00, after all.
Have a good Sunday, all. GO VIKINGS!


Megan said...

I'll be thinking about you guys Laura as you ride this coaster!

Julie said...

Prayers for you, Davin and your future birthmother.

And love that you're running. I'm so proud of you!