Sunday, January 25, 2009

At last, a litte peace! I hope...

Okay, Davin and I have been counting Weight Watchers points for about a week now. Well, me, two weeks, and Davin one. So what's the problem? Davin. His math geek personality as come forward in full force! Don't get me wrong, I love his intelligence and love for all things numbered, but things are getting out of control. All I hear about when we're together is points. SO annoying. It started one night when I he was on his computer and he asked a question about how many calories something had. I looked at his computer screen and saw he a big 'ol Excel spreadsheet open. He had it all figured out. Freakin' columns and rows with freakin' formulas to keep track of his points. I busted a gut! He thought it was mean of me to laugh at him. His response was "Anyone would keep a spreadsheet." Like, duh. I thought it was hilarious- and cute. But it hasn't stopped- the talking talking talking about points. Today I was informed that he was trying to figure out the formula for calculating points. I said I would just buy him a points calculator, but he said he would rather figure it out because "it's funner". Something about it not being linear. ??? But what if it takes months for him to get it down? That would mean months of chatter about it. So I went on a hunt. And low and behold, I found the formula on Wikipedia! I gave it to him, he's fired up, and I'm happy as a clam. Happy because I feel a little bit smart for finding it, but mostly happy because now he's got his dumb formula and his spreadsheet for tracking points is complete.

Davin: "Oooh, yeah!"
Me: "Amen to that!"

ETA: Formula for Leanne:


Leanne said...

LOL. Please tell Davin that I am going to be texting him when I need to know how many points something is. He might want to up his text minutes on your plan. Also, I'd like that spreadsheet. He's hysterical! So are you...

Lorz said...

No worries- he has like 500 texts a month. I'm sure he would happily send you the spreadsheet! ...actually I will just post the formula and you can set up your own spreadsheet! I will add to this post. :D

Leanne said...

I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THAT! I just want the spreadsheet with the formula already in there, please. I'm kind of whimpering/laughing over here. :)

MindiJo said...

Ugh. I'm going eat some m&m's. It's the only chocolate (unfortunately) that I have in the house. Don't tell me how many points they are. If I was in Weight Watchers, it wouldn't be good. I'd be trying to get as many points as possible and I know that's not the point.
Oh, yeah, m&m's...

Jen H. said...

All this talk about points and formulas is making me hungry! That is funny, because I could just picture Davin doing that!

Elizabeth Halt said...

I'm guessing c is carbs, f is fats, but I am puzzled on the r. Maybe it's the rest (everything else). But then it seems like C would be divided by a lower number than F. Hmmmm .. Now I am curious.

Becky said...

Hi Laura (I went to school with Davin) I can totally picture him doing that, it's hilarious....and I'm with Leanne. That looks like MATH!! :) Becky (Lasanen) Swykert

Jan said...

Elizabeth, it probably stands for fiber.

Mindi- you gotta walk the distance of a football field to wear off an M&M.

So Davin didn't like the points tracker, huh?

Lorz said...

c= calories

Jan~ Davin likes to keep track of each of them individually so he can add them up seperately at the end of the day and figure out points based on the sum of the day and compare to how the points added up for each item. Yes, he's a bit odd. But I love him anyway. :D

I love that you guys that picture him doing this- it is so Davin, self-proclaimed math geek. :)

Lorz said...

Oh, and Mindi, get this: I bought a bag of fun size m&m's several days ago, figuring I would mixed them with raw almonds and portion them out into appropriate servings. Then I found out that m&m's are a lot of points, so they are sitting in my cupboard, unopened. That is CRAZY- and I mean insanely CRAZY!- because I LOVE chocolate- especially m&m's. Maybe I'm afraid of opening them and stopping at just one little bag...

Leanne said...

Laura - that's a really big deal to not open those m&ms. I'm really proud of you. I hope I don't let you down this week. :)

Julie said...

Lol- that's so Davin. :) I can just picture it.

Ugh. I never wanted to know that m&m's are a lot of points! Laura, keep us posted- I need some motivation over here.

Elizabeth Halt said...

ah, that makes much more sense. Now I want to do weight watchers and play with formulas too. :)

Megan said...

I am totally NOT doing weight watchers. :0) As I sit here reading your post I am munching on a bag of starbursts! I don't even know how many I have eaten! Too many to count! :)

Anonymous said...

Way to not open the m&ms!!!! Good thing Davin has found a way to make the system work for him! LOL! We love that about him! Numbers are FUN! Has he ever had a heart to heart w/ Chrissy's Sammy?!

Lorz said...

Julie- YOU always motivate ME.

Elizabeth- I'm totall rolling my eyes at you.

Megan- I'm pretty sure starburst are free anyway. ;)

Amy- Now that I think about, I don't know why Davin hasn't sat down with Sam. Maybe he's afraid a 4-yr old may be smarter than him! :D

Anonymous said...

Of course! My mistake was mixing up the remainder and the radius of the pi of x. squared of course

ethiopifinn said...

sometimes people have to keep talking points or food options or exercize or how long its been since their last m&m, beer, smoke, what have you, until they adjust to the change. sometimes they are just really enthusiastic about the math. :) and speaking of change... congrats on committing to *this* change!

Anonymous said...

Both of you are funny! Love this post.

And, way to go on the WW!! That's a huge step, not opening the m&m's.

Lorz said...

Cory~ Same mistake I made!

Jenny~ I agree. I remember when family/friends would go on WW and ALL you heard around the dinner table was points points points- very annoying! I'm trying not to be annoying around others, but you're right, it's all that's on my mind when there is food in front of me- so now I understand the constant talk!

Jennifer~ Thanks! :)

Amy L said...

I meant to comment earlier, but I got a bit side tracked. Anyway this could totally happen in our house, except that Adam and I would both be figuring it out. Numbers, it is how my brain functions... sorry.
I am also proud of you for resisting the m&m temptation, I am not sure that I could do that... Off to make some delicious chocolate chop cookies.

Amy said...

WW should use that as part of its advertising.... Counting points: good for weight loss and improving math skills! It sounds like you'll have fun with this - and you have your own point calculator!

MindiJo said...

Wow! The m&m's created an interesting thread. Mine were good. Not worth walking a football field for. So I didn't. Shame on me. But that's why I work out. So I can eat without counting points. I know, so not the reason to do it.

I'm like Davin with my financial stuff. I think he totally awesome.