Friday, January 16, 2009

An important read for all...

My cousin and fellow blogger, Jen, has a son with a severe peanut allergy. Her posts have taught be a lot and may teach you something also. I encourage you to check it out:

Jen's blog- peanut allergies


Amanda Kay said...

Sometimes the link to your blog does not connect?? Any idea why? Two different days I have clicked on it and thought maybe you deleted it because it says it's not found? Weird or are you messing with us?!

Anonymous said...

Laura, thank you so much. This means a lot to, both, Mark and I.

Enjoy the wedding! I wish we could make it down there. I was really hoping to. (Even more so after reconnecting with all of you girls this past year. It would've been fun to see you!)

Megan said...

hey laura-
I just wanted to thank you for your blog. I know I commented before on how brave you are to share your story, but even more so now I believe it. You have come a long way, more than I knew, and it makes me proud to be your cousin! It wasn't an easy battle, but you did it. Good for you. :) Even more so now, you deserve a little bundle of happiness. I hope you get one this year. And give Davin a big hug. He deserves it! :) In many ways he was your angel on your shoulder.