Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's all worth it.

A family wedding. We've had seven in my family alone, not including my own- which hardly counts as a full wedding considering there were only 10 of us there. Family gatherings are exhausting. Weddings are exhausting. Thus, family weddings are extremely exhausting. But worth it. My sister Chrissy got married yesterday. She was the most laid-back bride I've ever met. I think this made her even more beautiful on her wedding day. And I'm super happy to have Brett as a brother-in-law. He's seems to be a keeper! These are the moments that make me smile most about Chrissy's wedding:

*My dad walking Chrissy down the aisle. He was having a good day and looked great!

Chrissy as a bride. Beautiful inside and out.

*Sam. The 4-year old boy that Chrissy nanny's. They have a special relationship, and I was lucky enough to spend time with him during the reception. Wanna know what we were doing? He had his mom's palm pilot and was counting down on the calculator from 9000-something down to zero. Just kept pressing enter to subtract one, all the way to zero. About every 50 or so he would tell me what number he was on. He stopped at my favorite number, 26, his mom's favorite, 12, and his favorite, 9. :D

Time with my nieces and nephews. I love them all.

My mom, my hero, who made over 500 pasties for the reception. Isn't she amazing?

Anyway, my favorite part of family weddings? The time at my mom and dad's, after the festivities. When the mood transitions from one kind of chaos to another. To a more intimate commotion. Spending time with my brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews. It's loud and crazy, and by the time I get home I crash and am exhausted for a good 72 hours. Even still, it's all worth it. My crazy dysfunctional loving family- it's all worth it.


Elizabeth Halt said...

500 pasties!!! I am trying to pick my jaw up off of the floor. I can't imagine making ONE, let alone 500 or more. That is amazing!

Julie said...

That is one crazy pasty picture. Wow! I don't know how you did it, Sandi! Enjoyed reading about your favorite moments, Laura. It sounded really special. You looked gorgeous, by the way! Saw you in Leanne's pictures. :)

Leanne said...

Intimate chaos. Love it. And yes, those were yummy pasties. My mom'll tell you it's not too much work at all. Of course she can peel potatoes with her eyes closed (and probably does). And she won't let people help her. For sure she won't let ME. I don't think she thinks I can peel potatoes for crap and she's probably right. I'm laughing thinking about my one to her 30 potatoes. Sigh. It was a really fun weekend, wasn't it. Even the chaos.

Anonymous said...

I love this post. This recap. You describe everything so well.

And, your mom is amazing. (But, then again I already knew that.) 500 pasties! Seriously, I can't even fathom making 30. I've never done it because I always think it's too much work.

I think I've made pasties once in my life. Once. Haha! (Great picture.)

I'm so happy to hear your dad was having a good day. That's such a blessing for his daughter's wedding.

Wish we could've been there. Congratulations to Chrissy and Brett!

Anonymous said...

"Intimate"-the word has many uses! Was a great and crazy weekend! Happy with the addition of bro-in-law added to the fam! They are a beautiful couple. The relaxed bride made for fun decorating at the church Friday. ALL she cared about-literally-was becoming Brett's wife. EVERYTHING else was just details that she could live with or without!

MindiJo said...

Wow, your mom is amazing! I dread the thought of making one pasty!

I hardly find your family dysfunctional.

Amy L said...

Sounds like a fun filled happy times weekend, but I totally get the exhausted feeling afterward. Felt that way after Ed & Michelle's wedding this summer. So, relax this week, and enjoy your quiet!

Jen H. said...

I love the pasty pic!

Anonymous said...

Wow I wish I could have just tasted one of those pasties. My mouth is watering looking at the photo. I was looking forward to seeing you and totally forgot we were going to be out of town till Wed. night when Chrissy was talking about it dress shopping for Ari. We should get together SOON!