Friday, January 23, 2009

It's come to my attention...

...that I'm an anxious person. Ha! As if I didn't already know that, Leanne! Even still, my dear sister brought up a great decent point. You know my last post? The one where I am doubting our new president's decisions? After reading other's comments, I was left feeling pretty dumb. I was surprised that I seemed to be the only one worried about the *short* timeline. I wondered why this was bothering me and only me. This was Leanne's thought:

Leanne: "Laura, my dear sister, you are an anxious person. You don't like change."
Me: "But, dear Leanne, I think the changes are good- it's the timeline that worries me."
Leanne: "Dear Laura, it is the sudden changes you don't like."

True. Her example? My brother Dan and his wife moving away. I mean, I always knew they would eventually move, but when we got, like, less than a month notice, I freaked out! They can't just up and leave without giving me a fair warning! Sheesh!

Moral of the story? I would have appreciate it if from now on President Obama informs me of his decisions ahead of time. Like, he could have told me this back in November. Would have been nice. I'm just saying.


MindiJo said...

We'll try not to surprise you with anything.

Julie said...

Okay, you don't need to feel dumb. I thought you brought up some valid concerns and I felt quite informed after reading all the comments. Blogging is kind of a good place to get some differing views!
lol- If the President contacts you to let you know of his decisions in advance, you can call and tell me too. Mum's the word! :)

Anonymous said...

The quick actions give me a bellyache, too. I am hoping he is making a statement to his base, and then will slow down in making sweeping changes. Maybe all presidents do this kind of thing at first?

(Maybe I am just an anxious person, too, and just never knew it!8)

Leanne said...

This post made me laugh. First of all, we seldom say "dear sister." That makes us sound a whole lot sweeter than we are. But, yes, I did say that you are an anxious person. I wish there was a nicer word than anxious, but I think that explains it best, even though I don't mean it in a negative way. It's more like "you have brown hair" or "you like pickles" or something. I think as I get older I have a fair amount of anxiety, too. It's less than pleasant. But I am working on my coping techniques, prayer, and faith. It's all I've got...dear sister.

Leanne said...

PS If the president contacts you - for ANY reason - please conference call me in. I'd hate to miss that.

Lorz said...

Dear Leanne~
*Do we EVER say "dear sister"? :P
*I DO usually have brown hair. *Except when I don't.
*I will not conference you in on my calls with the prez. You would make a fool of yourself.

Leanne said...

Dear Laura-
*We will NOW
*Me too
*You will someday

Elizabeth Halt said...

*sotto voce*

You like pickles. Pickles are good. Pickles are wonderful. Pickles will cure anxiety. Pickles are good. You like pickles.


This post cracked me up, especially the dear sister thing. I am going to start calling Amy "Dear Sister".

But I don't think you need to feel dumb. Anxiety is normal. And it seems understandable to be worried about a short timeline for political decisions. :) I agree with Amy and Leanne's assessment so won't repeat it. :)

Lorz said...

Nice try, Elizabeth. :P I DO NOT LIKE PICKLES!!!

Anonymous said...

The discussion on this post is cracking me up!